Magazine design Influences.

Cyndi Lauper / Details / 1989                    Sade / i-D / 1983 The 1989 ‘Interview’ magazine is one of my influences because it is artistic and unique and although many magazines looked similar to it back in the 80’s, in the current media there are very few like this and the usual magazine covers are very reliant on computer technology and famous faces baring their skin, rather than stripping it back to the art and the articles. Subsequent to this, you can still draw similarities between magazines now and back then, for … Continue reading Magazine design Influences.

Time magazine analysis.

My chosen Time Magazine covers have a lot in common. They are typically close-up head shot images, including their face and maybe neck and shoulders in the shot. This could suggest that the information included in the articles/ interviews about the subject of the image on the front cover is very insightful, in depth and exclusive. The outstanding cover image is a mid-shot at an angle, which is unusual for this magazine to do, as they typically use close-up headshots to outline important features of the subjects face. I have also chosen a variety of facial expressions that appear in the majority of the Time … Continue reading Time magazine analysis.

Audience theory and segmentation.

Audiences can be divided into different categories; gender, ethnicity, age, religion/ nationality and socio-economic group. Maslow created a grid depicting the needs of a human split into 5 categories; physiological, safety, love/ belonging, esteem, self-actualization. Within these categories there is a list of features that contribute to the fulfilment of each need. Audiences choose media in light of there own gratifications and pleasure. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is used in media to support our personal identity give ourselves a sense of definition, it is also used as a distraction or escape from reality. This is reflected in magazines as the articles … Continue reading Audience theory and segmentation.

Initial Observations.

  Genre: These magazines all have clear features which identify them as music magazines. This includes; a large image of a famous music artist dominating the cover of the magazine, music related cover lines outlining articles including in the magazine, often there could be smaller images of interviews of information included in the magazine. These are the features that are clear in this selection of music magazines. Audience: The audience is likely to change in relation to who the main subject on that particular magazine issue is. For example, the issue with the large image of the lead singer from the band … Continue reading Initial Observations.