Magazine design Influences.

Slide2Cyndi Lauper / Details / 1989                    Sade / i-D / 1983

The 1989 ‘Interview’ magazine is one of my influences because it is artistic and unique and although many magazines looked similar to it back in the 80’s, in the current media there are very few like this and the usual magazine covers are very reliant on computer technology and famous faces baring their skin, rather than stripping it back to the art and the articles. Subsequent to this, you can still draw similarities between magazines now and back then, for example, famous faces dominating the covers, although in most cases, in a slightly different way than what it is like now.

The colours are contrasting which contributes to the bold and unique mood the cover produces. The colours are used in a very artistic way, as the cover image is a painting as opposed to a photograph. I like the colour scheme used in this cover as all the colours contrast but are all pastel and lighter colours.

The hipster ‘movement’ is relevant to the time we are in currently, as many people are more interested in experimentation with looks and styles. This is reflected in these magazine covers as they are, in my opinion, timeless and stylish.

media colour swatches

One thought on “Magazine design Influences.

  1. The illustrated cover has references to circa 1930s/40s style images- explain the link, why it appeals and show examples.

    Why is retro hip at the moment? Can you link it to hipsters etc?


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